
Synonyms and related words:
Bourdon tube, Charlie McCarthy, Danish balance, Federal, Gramophone, Gyropilot, Mach meter, Roman balance, Teletype, Weightometer, X-ray machine, absolute altimeter, accelerometer, adapt, aerial reconnaissance camera, aerometer, aeroscope, agency, agent, air log, alloy balance, altigraph, altimeter, amanuensis, ammeter, analytical balance, ancilla, anemograph, anemometer, anemoscope, aneroid, antler, apparatus, apple-polisher, appliance, arrange, aspirator, ass-licker, assay balance, autograph, automatic pilot, autosyn, awl, backslapper, baggage agent, balance, balance of precision, barb, barbed wire, barblet, barbule, barbwire, barometer, barrel scale, beam, bedpan, blank, bodkin, bombing locator, bombsight, bootlick, bootlicker, bradawl, brown-nose, brownie, bullion balance, business agent, calorimeter, caltrop, card compass, carpet tack, cash register, catalyst, catheter, channel, cheval-de-frise, chirograph, chromatoscope, chronograph, chronometer, chuck, claim agent, clamp, clasp, clawback, clerk, clinch, clinical thermometer, clip, cockspur, commercial agent, commission agent, compact, compass, compose, consignee, contract, contraption, contrivance, control rod, counter scale, courtier, cramp, creature, cringer, customer agent, cylinder scale, device, diathermy machine, dibble, direction finder, docket, document, dog, dossier, drain, drum scale, dummy, dupe, electrocardiograph, electroencephalograph, electrograph, equipment, evaporimeter, facsimile telegraph, factor, fan scale, fawner, fed, federal agent, fid, file, fishhook, flatterer, flexure plate scale, flight recorder, flunky, footlicker, forceps, fork, form, freight agent, functionary, gadget, gaff, galvanometer, gauge, gauger, gear, general agent, gimcrack, gimlet, gimmick, gizmo, go-between, goad, goniometer, gosport, gosport tube, grab, grapnel, grapple, grappler, grappling iron, grip, groveler, gyrocompass, hand tool, handmaid, handmaiden, handshaker, harmonize, harpoon, hat pin, heat lamp, helot, hemostat, holdfast, holograph, hook, horn, hub dynamometer, hygrograph, hygrometer, hypo, hypodermic, hypodermic needle, hypsometer, icepick, implement, inclinometer, induction compass, instrumentality, instrumentate, instrumentation, insurance agent, interagent, intermediary, intermediate, intermedium, jackal, jaws, joy stick, kaleidoscope, kowtower, kymograph, lackey, lance, lancet, land agent, laser, law agent, led captain, legal document, legal instrument, legal paper, lever, lever scales, lickspit, lickspittle, literary agent, loan agent, long-arm balance, machine, machinery, magnetic compass, make an adaptation, manometer, marlinespike, mealymouth, mean, means, measure, measurer, mechanical device, mechanical heart, mechanism, mechanize, mediator, medium, melodize, meteorograph, meter, microfilm reader, micrometer, microscope, midwife, mill, minion, ministry, motorize, musicalize, nail, needle, news agent, nippers, octant, official, official document, optical altimeter, orchestrate, organ, oscillograph, otoscope, oxgoad, ozonometer, pact, pair of scales, paper, paper clip, papers, paraphernalia, parchment, pari-mutuel, pari-mutuel machine, parliamentary agent, passenger agent, pawn, peon, personal file, photometer, pike, pin, pincers, pitchfork, pitot-static tube, plate fulcrum scale, platform scale, plaything, pliers, pluviograph, pluviometer, pneumatograph, pneumatometer, potentiometer, power tool, precision balance, precision scale, precision tool, press agent, prime mover, prism, probe, prong, punch, puppet, purchasing agent, pus basin, put to music, pyrometer, quadrant, quill, radar, radio, radio compass, radio direction finder, radiogoniometer, range finder, rate-of-climb indicator, real estate agent, recording barometer, recording hygrometer, register, retool, robot pilot, roll, rowel, sales agent, scale, scales, scalpel, score, scrip, script, scroll, secretary, seismograph, seismoscope, serf, servant, set, set to music, sextant, sharpen, short-arm balance, skewer, slave, sound, sound recorder, spaniel, spearhead, special agent, spectrograph, spectrohelioscope, spectroscope, speculum, speed tool, spicule, spiculum, spike, spine, spiral balance, spirit level, spirometer, spit, splint, spur, staple, static tube, station agent, stereopticon, stethoscope, steward, sting, stooge, strike radar scanner, suck, sun compass, suture, swab, sycophant, syringe, tachometer, tack, tackle, tang, tape recorder, teletypewriter, telltale, theatrical agent, thermograph, thermometer, thermometrograph, thermostat, thingumabob, thingumajig, thingummy, throttle, thumbtack, ticker, ticket agent, timeserver, tine, toad, toady, tongs, tool, toy, transcribe, transit instrument, transpose, travel agent, trepan, trephine, truckler, tufthunter, turnstile, tweezers, utensil, variometer, vehicle, venturi tube, viewer, viscosimeter, vise, voting machine, walking delegate, way, weigh scales, weighbridge, weighing machine, weight voltameter, whatnot, wherewithal, wrench, writ, write, writing, yes-man, yoke

Moby Thesaurus. . 1996.

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  • instrument — [ ɛ̃strymɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1365; estrument v. 1119; lat. instrumentum « ce qui sert à équiper », de instruere → instruire I ♦ 1 ♦ Objet fabriqué servant à exécuter qqch., à faire une opération. REM. Instrument est plus général et moins concret que… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Instrument — may refer to:* Instrument (film) * Instruments (band), a Canadian recording ensemble * Instruments (application), a performance visualizer;Types of instruments * Musical instrument, a device designed to produce music * Financial instrument, a… …   Wikipedia

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  • Instrument — Sn std. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. īnstrūmentum Gerät, Urkunde , Konkretum zu l. īnstrūere herrichten, ausrüsten , mit übertragener Bedeutung unterrichten (instruieren). Adjektiv: instrumental; Kollektivum: Instrumentarium.    Ebenso… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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  • instrument — (n.) late 13c., musical instrument, from O.Fr. instrument means, device; musical instrument (14c., earlier estrument, 13c.) and directly from L. instrumentem a tool, apparatus, furniture, dress, document, from instruere arrange, furnish (see… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Instrument — In stru*ment, v. t. 1. To perform upon an instrument; to prepare for an instrument; as, a sonata instrumented for orchestra. [1913 Webster] 2. To furnish or equip with instruments; to attach instruments to; as, the fighter planes were heavily… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • instrument — instrùment m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA 1. a. pomagalo i oruđe za rad u laboratoriju ili u ordinaciji b. sprava za mjerenje, snimanje, pokazivanje određenih vrijednosti, posebno kao dio kontrolnog sustava [svi su instrumenti u avionu otkazali]… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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